Photography and commentary from John Fujimagari

Is The iPhone A Portrait Camera?


My friend Emma was patient enough to stand still while I snapped her picture.

I think that this was the Camera+ app, converted to monochrome, square format and border added. This image has a nice soft and even tone. It is lit by the large windows camera left, more distant windows camera right and overhead fluorescents. The mixed lighting and poor white balance makes a good candidate for monochrome.


My buddy Karl converted to monochrome, cyanotype. The lower light in the warehouse contributed to the lower quality and graininess of the image. Although the grain adds a gritty feel and the cyanotype cools the scene.


My old friend Gord was shot with the Instagram app. All of the images from Instagram are in a square format, I chose a B&W conversion from the many available. It was lit by overhead fluorescents and has a 70s kind of look to it.


My wife Sherri was lit by the exterior windows, camera right and overhead compact fluorescent lighting. The sepia toning in Camera+ warms the image nicely. The iPhone back focused on this image, but I like her expression.

One of the best things I like about the iPhone for portraiture, is that it is always with you. You can often get shots you would otherwise miss. I usually also have my Nikon P6000 not too far from me, but the phone camera can be less threatening because of it’s small size and non-camera like appearance. So have you worked on your portraiture lately?

In the best light…

One response

  1. Though grainy in look, the images look very aesthetically shot. The background in all pictures look full of activity. Iphone seems to be a very nice option for portraiture. The Nokia N8 can be another great option. Nice pictures.


    April 11, 2011 at 06:25

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