Photography and commentary from John Fujimagari

Beyond The Obvious

Lamar Valley Autumn Poplar

When you are in the Lamar Valley of Yellowstone National Park, you see the grand vistas and the fall colors make it that much better. A few cloud might help the above photo but the backlighting of the yellow leaves of the poplar trees is irresistible. 

Autumn Bison

The bison is an icon of Yellowstone Park and a natural subject.

Autumn Willows


I thought the willow leaves were a not so obvious subject. I chose a wide aperture for a limited Depth of Field. You can still discern the background leaves and the distant hills.

One response

  1. Mark Garner

    Great shots John, the wather on that trip was fantastic, and the colors were spectacular!!


    October 16, 2010 at 08:09

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